Sunday, November 24, 2013

Blog Post 14

         This week we were to create an assignment for a Blog Post for our area of specialty. I plan on being a special education teacher, so this blog assignment will be about learning to not limit students with special needs in an inclusive classroom.

Blog assignment:

Watch the following video. What can you learn from Megan Bomgaars as a future educator?


My Blog Post reply:

         I have learned so much from Megan Bomgaars. Megan has down syndrome, but that does not stop her from anything! She was the first cheerleader with down syndrome in her state, she was a fashion model for Global Down Syndrome Foundation’s fashion show, she worked at the Mile High Down Syndrome Association, and now she is at a Bridge Program learning to be a public speaker. She sends the message loud and clear not to limit her! Don’t limit her by thinking she cannot learn in your classroom. Don’t limit her by thinking she will always need someone to help her. She said that she has the same needs as everyone else. Everyone needs life and work skills, and she is not an exception! She also said that she needs to learn and work independently and speak up for herself, not have someone do everything for her.

         I have learned several things from Megan. I have learned that just because a child has special needs, does not mean they need help with every little thing. I have learned that every student needs to be held to the same standards in the classroom. I have also learned the difference between high expectations and impossible expectations. Don’t limit any child in your classroom, disability or not. Megan said it best when she said, “Good teachers teach and learn with their students.” This video is very powerful and every educator should take five minutes and watch it!

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