Sunday, October 27, 2013

Project 14, Lesson Plan #2


  1. Very cute idea!
    A few things I noticed:
    -40/50 minute time periods will most likely be hard for the students to handle
    - It will also be hard for 4 students who have severe disabilities to share one iPad. It is important for them to work together. I would favor 2 per iPad but some students with certain disabilities could probably work well in a group of 3.
    - If you wanted to integrate this project with a core subject, which you'll have to do daily, they could identify the physical characteristics of their pumpkin. Size, shape, color, number of leaves, shape of eyes and nose, etc...

    Your kiddos will love their virtual pumpkins!

  2. I think the 2 students per iPad is a great idea, but in our instructions Dr. Strange told us to act like the iPad/ student ratio was 4:1. And that is a great idea on how to integrate a core subject. Thanks again!
